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Website hypixel.net
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ƚltimo Ping4 minutes 38 seconds ago
VersĆ£o 1.8 1.14
Tipo Survival Games TNTRun Bed Wars Skywars Murder Mystery Duels UHC SkyClash Housing Mega Walls
LocalizaĆ§Ć£o United States
ƚltima AtualizaĆ§Ć£o12 Oct 2024
Data de Entrada06 Apr 2015



Welcome to Hypixel, the ultimate Minecraft server network and home to some of the most popular and innovative mini-games. Hypixel offers an incredible variety of gameplay experiences for Minecraft enthusiasts, with classic modes like BedWars and SkyWars, along with unique games such as ****** Mystery and Build Battle. Known for its seamless multiplayer experience, Hypixel combines creative game mechanics, high-quality server performance, and a vibrant community, making it the go-to choice for millions of players worldwide.

Whether you're a PvP fan or enjoy building and exploring with friends, Hypixel offers a little bit of everything, always pushing the boundaries of Minecraft's potential. Join Hypixel at IP: mc.hypixel.net, and dive into an adventure like no other!

Come play any of our dozen custom-coded minigames on the Official Hypixel Minecraft Server!
Games available:* Blitz Survival Games* The Walls* Mega Walls* Quakecraft* TNTGames* Warlords* Cops and Crims* Paintball* VampireZ* Arena Brawl* The Arcade Games

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