WoW Reborn

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Versi贸n 5.4.8
Tipo Arenas Battlegrounds Solo PlayerBots High Rates Professional Staff Voting Rewards Shop Fun Realm
Ubicaci贸n Spain
Ultima Actualizaci贸n26 Feb 2025
Fecha de Ingreso26 Feb 2025



WoW Reborn is a private (5.4.8) server with custom features such as PartyBots and BattleBots.

You can spaw PlayerBots to support you for questing, levelling, dungeons and BattleGrounds and raids. AI companions will adjust their level to yours and will auto equip pre-set gear according to their level.

PlayerBots are smart AI companions playing like a regular players, buffing, healing, fighting, doing objectives, capping flags and taking bases at battlegrounds.

AHBot: The Auction house is always filled with items for a fair price which will not affect the server economy.

All Flight point UNLOCKED - Instant Flight


EXP: x10 (Kill. Quest. Explore)

DROP: x5 (Money)

REPUTATION: x2 (Honor. Talent. Reputation Gain)