Frozen Throne

Sitio Web
Versi贸n WOTLK
Tipo Blizzlike Custom No Lag Donate Reward
Ubicaci贸n Italy
Ultima Actualizaci贸n21 Aug 2023
Fecha de Ingreso01 Jul 2023


Frozen Throne
WOTLK 3.5.0
Welcome to Frozen Throne, our friendly community greets you 
with open hands, we are currently running 1 realm, which is Ownage PVP.

A Pure PVP realm which is based on a PVP system, example : honor 
points, badges of justice and arena points. Ownage PVP does not 
contain any Custom items, Server contains :

- Starting Gear Season 6

-Starting Gear Tier 9.5

- Season 8 - Tier 10.5

- PVP System

- Gain Badges Of Justice on kill.

- Working Arena's

- Working BG's

To join our epic forums, please head to and register, take time and read our server rules, General rules