
Sitio Web
Discord Discord
Versión 3.3.5a
Tipo Battlegrounds Custom Raids Fun Realm Instant 80 Mall PVP PvE Only Arenas Donate Reward Funserver
Ubicación United States
Ultima Actualización10 Mar 2021
Fecha de Ingreso04 Mar 2021




80 Level Cap, Working BG and Arena Custom Mall Balanced Classes We are a new Server. We are not offically up yet. But we are looking for more people to come and help test some things on the server with us while we are in development. We are planning for it to be a Instant 80 Funserver, With custom instances and scripts, Transmog, ect. So if you are interested in giving us your input on what would be nice to have added and what would make it a good quality WOTLK 3.3.5a Private Server. So if you are interested please join our discord and PM one of us!