Sitio Web hero-server.net
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Versi贸n Pre Renewal
Tipo Balanced Customized Friendly GMs Active GMs Events Low Rate International Trans Class Newbie Friendly Storyline
Ubicaci贸n Canada
Ultima Actualizaci贸n09 Nov 2019
Fecha de Ingreso10 Jul 2018


HeRO is a 5/5/3 pre-renewal stable server up for over 14 years with no wipes. You can always count on us! We have unique regions, renewal areas modified to fit our pre-renewal mechanics, many custom Quests, Events, Hairstyles, Fishing, Mining, Light VS Dark Allegiance System, storyline and much more! Better than regular RO, with no bots, active GMs and a friendly community!

Website: http://www.hero-server.net/

Register: http://www.pandoraonline.net/cp/?module=account&action=create

Control Panel: http://www.pandoraonline.net/cp/?module=main

Wiki: http://www.pandoraonline.net/heRO_wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

Forums: http://www.pandoraonline.net/forum/

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