KnifeMu x50 7 Dec

Sitio Web
Versión S19
Tipo Hunt and Grind x500 x50
Ubicación France
Ultima Actualización07 Dec 2023
Fecha de Ingreso29 Jul 2022


KnifeMu x50 7 Dec

KnifeMu Season 19 x50 Opening December 7!

Hello, Stranger!

Thanks for choosing KnifeMu Online – brand new medium rate gaming server with latest version of the game – Season 19, including new characters, maps, events, quests, items and features.

Server x50 grand opening December 7.

Opening times:
17:00 UTC +1 (Poland)
18:00 UTC +2 (Romania)
23:00 UTC +7 (Vietnam)
23:00 UTC +7 (Philippines)
13:00 UTC -3 (Argentina)
(Check countdown in website header!)

Facebook Event, Get Free 1000 W Coins:
1. Follow our Facebook page.
2. Like, Share our post on Facebook. Tag 3 friends in comments.
3. Send your account in Messenger and get 1000 W Coins!

Server provides long-term gameplay, exciting bosses drops, regular in-game events, balanced PvM and PvP settings.

Season 19 Part 1-2 brings: Grow Lancer Renewal (reworked skill trees, new skills, combat power), New Mastery Items (9th): Apocalypse Weapons and Shields, New Mastery Items (10th): Lightning (normal and ancient), New Map & Monsters: Tormenta Island, New Excellent option for shields, New Mastery Item Mixes, New Muuns, Increased maximum mastery level to 1200 (1600 total).

Every new character receive:
- Pentagram Box
- Small Wings
- 1st Lucky Ticket Set
- 2 Days Skeleton Pet & Ring
- 2 Days Scrolls
To receive them send in game commands: /startergift and /buffme.

In Blood Castle and Devil Square Events Experience boosted x2.

Server info:
Version: Season 19 (Latest)
Experience Regular: x50
Experience Master, Majestic: x50
Maximum level: 1600
Resets: 500 points each reset, stats burns, reward 10 ~ 100 WCoins, 100 Goblin Points, 500 Ruud
Additional infos on About page.

Resets Rewards:
1 Reset: Golden Fenrir (3 Days); send command: /reset1
3 Reset: Hero Elixir Penta; send command: /reset3
5 Reset: Wings of Conqueror (3 Days); send command: /reset5
10 Reset: Pet & Ring Panda (3 Days); send command: /reset10
20 Reset: Rage Earrings (L) + (R); send command: /reset20
30 Reset: Random Excellent Blood Angel Weapon; send command: /reset30
50 Reset: Golden Fenrir (3 Days); send command: /reset50
75 Reset: Ghost Horse; send command: /reset75
100 Reset: Wings of Power (7 Days); send command: /reset100
125 Reset: Ice Dragon; send command: /reset125
150 Reset: Golden Fenrir (7 Days); send command: /reset150
175 Reset: Pierce Lion; send command: /reset175
200 Reset: Shining Tail; send command: /reset200
250 Reset: Wings of Conqueror F.O. (14 Days). send command: /reset250

Support system:
With any questions, issues or suggestions you can contact us any time: Create Support Ticket or on Facebook Page.

Kind regards,
KnifeMu Team.