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Versi贸n Opening 31. October X1000
Tipo x20 x80 x1000 Low Rate Medium Hard Easy No Reset
Ubicaci贸n France
Ultima Actualizaci贸n22 Oct 2024
Fecha de Ingreso01 Aug 2021



--- TOP MU Server - X1000 - OPENING 31 OCTOBER ---


--- TOP Premium Season 18 Premium, No Bugs, 3 Servers NoReset: x20, Hard: x80 and Easy: x1000, Nicely Configured Events, Items, Drops, Increased Monsters Power, No Full Items and Stat Points, Server Alive Since 2017 ---

A little bit about Server Info NoReset: x20

Version: Premium Season 18
Experience: 20x
Master Experience: 60x
Drop Rate: 25%
Maximum Level: 400
Maximum Master, Majestic Level: 900
Points Per Level: 5/6/7
Monsters per Spot: 5 - 8
Monsters Power Adjusted
Bronze, Silver, Gold Party Builds
Different Gens Can Join Party, Guild
Create Guild from Level 200
Shadow Phantom Soldier Buff till Level 350
Shadow Phantom Buff Duration Increased to 2 hours
Marked Spots on Minimap: Press TAB
Non Pvp Maps are Aida 1-2; Karutan 1-2, DD1-2
Battle Maps Vulcanus Experience Increased +50%
Available 10 vaults for all players: /ware 0~10
Seal Buff Exp % Lowered, Not too much boost
Limit of Max Accounts per Computer = 2 (max 2 open game client windows from 1 PC).


A little bit about Server Info Hard: x80

Version: Premium Season 18
Experience: 80x
Master Experience: 80x
Drop Rate: 30%
Maximum Level: 400
Maximum Master, Majestic Level: 900
Points Per Level: 5/6/7
Limited Stats for 1 Characteristic : 12767
Monsters per Spot: 5 - 8
Monsters Power Adjusted
Boss Monsters Increased Power
Bronze, Silver, Gold Party Builds
Different Gens Can Join Party, Guild
Create Guild from Level 300
Shadow Phantom Soldier Buff till Level 350
Shadow Phantom Buff Duration Increased to 2 hours
Marked Spots on Minimap: Press TAB
Non Pvp Maps are Atlans and Karutan
All Battle Maps Experience Increased +10
Available 10 vaults for all players: /ware 0~10
Seal Buff Exp % Lowered, Not too much boost
Limit of Max Accounts per Computer = 2 (max 2 open game client windows from 1 PC).


A little bit about Server Info Easy: x1000

Version: Premium Season 18
Experience: 1000x
Master Experience: 1000x
Drop Rate: 40%
Maximum Level: 400
Maximum Master, Majestic Level: 900
Points Per Level: 5/6/7
Limited Stats for 1 Characteristic: 20 000
Monsters per Spot: 5 - 8
Monsters Power Adjusted
Boss Monsters Increased Power
Bronze, Silver, Gold Party Builds
Different Gens Can Join Party, Guild
Create Guild from Level 300
Shadow Phantom Soldier Buff till Level 350
Shadow Phantom Buff Duration Increased to 2 hours
Marked Spots on Minimap: Press TAB
Non Pvp Map are Aida 1-2; Karutan 1-2, DD1-2
Battle Map Vulcanus Experience Increased +50%
Available 10 vaults for all players: /ware 0~10
Seal Buff Exp % Lowered, Not too much boost
Limit of Max Accounts per Computer = 2 (max 2 open game client windows from 1 PC).