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Ultimo Ping11 minutes 23 seconds ago
Versi贸n Latest
Tipo Factions PVP Murder Mystery Arcade Bed Wars Parkour SMP Backpacks Crossplay Keepinventory
Ubicaci贸n United States
Ultima Actualizaci贸n21 Jan 2025
Fecha de Ingreso24 Dec 2024


RealFiction is a Minecraft server that focuses mainly on Survival and Factions gamemode, but has many other minigames for players to enjoy!

The goal for our Factions world is to foster a welcoming, laid back Factions experience, with some fun, unique features! Such features include: realistic seasons that mirror real life seasons, an innovative backpack which can store additional items in players inventories, a useful health gauge for mobs and other players when engaged in combat, and much, much more!

Our overall purpose at RealFiction is to have a place that values its players, and fun over anything. We are strictly against any kind of Pay-To-Win gameplay, and rely only on optional donations to keep our server alive. Furthermore, we support both Java and Bedrock players.

RealFiction was founded in 2018 by LittleNicholas and EyeSauce39 as a Factions server, and is still going strong today! Join us at:

Java Edition:

Bedrock Edition:

Java Port: Default (25565)

Bedrock Port: Default (19132)

We hope you enjoy RealFiction!

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Change Logs
23 Dec 2024

We welcome you to RealFiction! We’ve been hard at work providing our players with so many more opportunities to grow and upgrade and climb to the top!

Come join us at: