The Oasis MC

IP del Servidor
Sitio Web
Discord Discord
Versi贸n 1.12.2
Tipo Pve Survival PvE Modded Balanced Economy Land Claim MCEternal Eternal
Ubicaci贸n United States
Ultima Actualizaci贸n29 Sep 2023
Fecha de Ingreso04 Jan 2023


Welcome to the Oasis!

Our staff is patient, understanding, and exceedingly friendly. They play alongside the players and are always present to assist with any concern. They host events in discord and in game frequently to incite fellowship and comradery within the community.

We have a rich and diverse player base filled with wonderfully friendly folks from all ages and walks of life. All the players are helpful, friendly, and inviting. All are quick to help identify toxicity, which is swiftly dealt with to ensure a community that fosters an enjoyable gaming experience.

Current Mod Pack:
- MC Eternal

Additional Required Mods: None!


The Oasis also hosts 7 Days to Die and Rust Servers!