
IP del Servidor
Discord Discord
Estatus Unknown
Ultimo PingMonitoring disabled
Versión 1.19.2 1.19.3
Tipo Towny Factions SMP Small Economy
Ubicación United States
Ultima Actualización03 Jan 2023
Fecha de Ingreso03 Jan 2023


Valridge is a small SMP server featuring a lot of new, unique features to make the vanilla gameplay a bit more interesting, ranging from entire custom tools and tool tiers, and even new overworld, nether, and end generation.

Unlike other servers, ours lacks a central server shop in order to more properly encourage trade between players. Initial money is made through jobs (/jobs) and shops are set up via QuickShop (/qs).

There's way too many features for me to list here, so be sure to visit our website for a more thorough list!

Oh, and most importantly, the server is completely and strictly NON-PAY-TO-WIN.