Slime World

IP del Servidor
Sitio Web
Discord Discord
Estatus Unknown
Ultimo PingMonitoring disabled
Versión 1.17.10 1.16.5 1.18.1 1.18.2 1.18.x
Tipo Slimefun AntiGrief Buycraft Custom Items Vote Rewards Special Events Family Friendly Pets Ranks Towny
Ubicación United States
Ultima Actualización30 Mar 2022
Fecha de Ingreso29 May 2020


Slime World is the newest slimefun server, full of new gadgets and machinery to build all sorts of new items. Come mine spawners, explore caves and mines, set up the largest coal farm, or make all kinds of exotic foods....or just build your claimed base however you like. Lots of special and rare items, crates and keys and voting perks! Don't miss out on the most fun minecraft experience....slimefun at SlimeWorld!

Now you can also join our Open Beta Towny server!