Ranch N Craft

IP del Servidor
Sitio Web ranchncraft.com
Discord Discord
Versi贸n Latest
Tipo Community Economy Games Fun Minigames Nice Staff Survival
Ubicaci贸n United States
Ultima Actualizaci贸n14 Aug 2023
Fecha de Ingreso18 Mar 2023


Also available on JAVA Edition Minecraft.
JAVA IP: mc.ranchncraft.com 
BEDROCK IP: br.ranchncraft.com

We here at Ranch n Craft are a horse based survival server running several custom built plugins, including our very own horse themed plugin! We are a family friendly, community based server that you don't wanna miss!

We aren't only about horses though! We have a claiming plugin, run events with our dedicated staff, and have so many opportunities to become a part of our amazing community. We also use many of your favourite plugins, and have a Creative server where you can build to your heart's content.

With glowing reviews and a family feel, come join us now to see what all the fuss is about. There's a reason we've been on PCGames list of top ten servers for the last five years!


