L2JAVA HF MultiSkill

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Versión High Five
Tipo Global GK GM Shop Craft Fun Offline Shop NPC Buffer Pvp High Rate
Ubicación Finland
Ultima Actualización01 Feb 2023
Fecha de Ingreso26 Nov 2022


High Five Server Chronicles



Unique gear upgrade system


Offline Buffer


Classic multi-professional: you can learn the skills of any profession for 1 adena and SP. No gear penalty. Basic buffs - 4 hours (Including limits / totems, etc.) Removed all requirements when applying buffs to weapons, also buffs requiring <30% HP are buffed at any level of health. The difference between the player and the monster to get EXP, SP is 20 levels. Mage skills do not fail when attacking a mob with a difference no higher than - 20 levels. The difference between the player and the Raid Boss in getting EXP, SP is 9 levels. The number of Mobs is increased by 2 times. Mobs from lvl 65 to 70 (inclusive) Enhanced: x2 HP. Mobs from lvl 71 to 80 (inclusive) Enhanced: Mage, P. Def. Attack x5, HP x2, Physical defense x3, Mage defense x2. Mobs from 81 to 90 lvl (inclusive) Enhanced: Mage Attack x7, P. Atk x13, HP x10, P. Def. x7, M. Def. x3. MP banks added to Champions from 1 to 10 pieces from blue 100% . from 5 to 20pcs 100% For convenience, a tab has been added to alt + b "Raid" - search for resources by mobs with a chance (spoil - drop) and so on to the mob.