Isekai-club Substack

Sitio Web
Discord Discord
Versión Classic 2.0
Tipo Low Rate Classic Substack Offline Shop Custom Pendants Custom Raid Zones Improved Classic Stack sub
Ubicación Poland
Ultima Actualización19 Mar 2021
Fecha de Ingreso31 Jan 2021


Isekai-club network presents:
NoAdvantage [ x3 ] Stack sub 1+1 from same race.
Improved Classic (Classic 2.0 client)
XP/SP x3 || Adena/Drop x6 || Spoil x9 
Mana scrolls.
Custom Pendants to diversificate classes.
Stats distribution system (Argonaut skills)
Best revamped skill from all the chronicles plus brand new skills.
Greatly increased physical evasion in PvP (you should use only skills in PvP)
Fresh Server  (LIVE started: 02.01.2021)
Easy exp/farm on Raid Bosses. Added new locations with Powerful Raids (end-game content). Gather your party and become strong faster than you expect., No p2w, Newbie buffer, Buff scrolls, Offline Shops, IG Drop calculator.