Express RP

IP del Servidor
Discord Discord
Estatus Unknown
Ultimo PingMonitoring disabled
Tipo RP Jobs Custom Cars Cops Drugs Economy Roleplay Gangs
Ubicación United Kingdom
Ultima Actualización22 Jul 2021
Fecha de Ingreso06 Jun 2021


Hi i am Murdo Owner of ExpressRP Esx Server we are looking for people to join us in our server/community. The server is ideal for those looking for serious role play and to be apart of a growing community we are UK based but it does not matter where your from as long as you are 16+ speak English and have a working microphone experience is not necessary as were a brand new server and you can grow into your role leading to serious role play. This is what we have to offer

- Businesses & Gas Stations (you can own)
- ***** & Selling
- Robberies: Big Bank, Jewellery Store, Fleeca banks and Store's
- Car Dealership Custom cars PDM
- Farming (run your own farm)
- Diving/illegalDiving
- Legal Jobs: Mechanic, Mcdonalds, Airport, Construction, AmazonDriver, Postman, GarbageCollection (up to 4 players) and Tailor)
- Warehouses
- Fire, Police & EMS
- Police MDT System 
- Server:
- Discord: