Velheim RSPS
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Fresh Start World: 29th November!
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If you're looking for an authentic pre-eoc server - this is for you!
Velheim offers a mix of RS3 content on a pre-eoc client. Enjoy the old combat and interface styles with all of the latest RuneScape 3 content. We have most of the newest content RS3 does, and if we do not have it yet, it will be released within a couple days of whenever Jagex updates!
Velheim focuses on providing the player with an authentic experience, thus we offer you over 400 original RS shops, fully functional Grand Exchange with item prices fluctuating based on supply and demand, fairly easy to obtain drops, at 1/200 for VERY rare table and loads of other special tables; such as Raptor keys, Crystal keys, Crystal triskelions, Rare drop table, Wilderness shared drop table and many more! You will never run out of things to grind for.
There are 7 different modes to choose from upon starting:
* Normal mode: X200 EXP
* Novice mode: X50 EXP, +2.5% drop-rate boost
* Classic mode: X2 EXP, +10% drop-rate boost
* Ironman mode: X10 EXP, +5% drop-rate boost
* Hardcore Ironman mode: X10 EXP, +7.5% drop-rate boost
* Group Ironman mode - X10 EXP, +5% drop-rate boost, team up with 4 other GIM players
* Ultimate Ironman mode - X10 EXP, +10% drop-rate boost, no banking
Some Velheim features (but not limited to):
* Distractions & Diversions; Evil tree, Crashing star, Guthixian cache, Trivias, etc.
* Over 25 bosses, including Vorago, Barrows: Rise of the Six, Magister, Araxxor, etc.
* All 28 skills, including FULL Archaeology, Invention, Dungeoneering and Divination
* Full Music system; combat sound effects, world ambience sounds, voice-overs. The first, and only, server with a fully detailed sound system.
* Keyboard shortcuts - such as bank presets, make-all skilling, squeal of fortune spinning, etc.
* Lively world-map. Ever noticed how most server owners do not care about the environment? WE DO! ALL cities are fully populated with NPC's (a lot of them even with full dialogues!), item spawns and objects (with Agility shortcuts!)
* On-screen (de)buff timers! Every in-game effect will have a little icon with a timer below displaying when it will run out instead of having a chat-box message that could easily be missed
* NO CUSTOMS. YES! Our server is an authentic RuneScape re-creation.
* NO PAY 2 WIN! You will not see new people joining, spending money and progressing faster than you. All achievements are legitimate and worthwhile
* Toggles for - loot beams, legacy/RS3 animations, world messages, vial destroying and many more. Fully customisable - play the way YOU want!
* A super active owner who's online on a daily basis and will take your inputs.
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Change Logs |
21 Jan 2018 Agility - Fixed Taverley dungeon's strange floor shortcut.
Estate Agent's right-click redecorate option can now be used for quick-redecorating;
Soda ash and Buckets of sand can now be crafted together in a furnace to make Molten glass; Dungeoneering - Fletching items will no longer go to your bank if full inventory and the action will stop there; Farming - Fixed harvesting experience for all allotments, herbs and flower patches. Fletching - Fixed the message formatting when making unstrung bows; Grand Exchange - Increased clean and grimy herb prices; Herblore - Added a Herblore secondaries store at the ::shops area. Magic - Added Lunar spells: Bake pie, Squeal of Fortune - Drastically increased rare and very rare item rewards. Ultimate Ironman - Introducing the new game-mode as was suggested by Yum! This game-mode is a self-sufficient, no trading ironman, with a twist.. they can NOT use their Banks. Ultimate ironmen will have their own separate hiscores, a white (silver'ish) ironman symbol next to their name and their own loyalty title to activate. Miscellaneous - Removed skin color customization as the Make-Over Mage is capable of doing that for you; |
23 Jan 2018 Agility - Fixed the last obstacle not giving you the full lap bonus; Divination - Divine location gather limit and divine location creation limit will now reset when the server hits midnight time (next day); Dungeoneering - Slightly reduced the token rewards for finishing dungeons to balance level/token ratio (based on some player feedbacks); Runespan - Points gathered while siphoning will now properly save upon relog and display on top left of the screen; Teleportation - Clicking on a skill in the skills tab will now pop-up an option dialogue from which you'll be able to choose a location to teleport to; Squeal of Fortune - Ironmen (any type) will no longer see the Squeal of Fortune tab since they can't use it in the first place; Magic - You will no longer be able to use staves or wands for melee attacks. Warriors Guild - Fixed combat tokens crumbling away on every game tick issue; Well of Goodwill - The amount needed to fill the well changed from 50m to 20m; Woodcutting - Elder trees can now be chopped for Elder logs. Their random life span is ~30 logs per tree and once cut down their respawn time is 10 minutes. Miscellaneous - A lot of ladders leading up without a proper destination should now be blocked (if the player can move on the destination tile then this will not apply and I will have to hard-code every ladder/staircase manually); |
08 Feb 2018 I'm very sorry on the long wait guys, I know you've been eager to get new content and fixes for a while now since I've been posting these teasers on our Discord channel. Though, here they are - I hope it was worth the long wait !
The Kings have been given a make-over by updating them to RS3's standards; Cache Update Updated cache to support all the newest items that got released with an RS3 update on 6th of February (read about it here); Commands Added ;;topic topic_id to quickly open up our forums with the given topic ID; Currency Pouch & Elite skill outfit fragments Obtaining Elite skill outfit fragments - you must be training the appropriate skill (for example, if you want to earn Shark outfit fragments you must be training Fishing). If you've opted in to collect fragments and have the required levels, you will earn 90-111 fragments every 5 minutes. If you're level 99 in the skill, you earn double fragments. If you've achieved enough XP for virtual level 120 in the skill, you earn triple fragments. If you're 200m EXP in the skill then you earn quadruple the amount of fragments. There is a 1/2,500 chance to obtain 3600 elite outfit fragments regardless of your level.
To support these I've added a Currency pouch/bank/management sort if thing (similar to how Auras are handled) by replacing the PvP teleport button (as I don't quite see it needed at this moment) so you could store all of these in sort of a pouch (very beneficial for ultimate iron-men).
You can obtain one of these fragments for the skilling outfits: Mining - Gemstone golem fragments; Donator Ranks Introducing 2 new ranks based on the last survey results (thanks to Ahoy). Red Topaz ($5) - A pink star next to your name; Onyx ($1000) - A black star next to your name; Fight Kiln Changed all NPC death times to a static 2 ticks;
Will no longer forcibly be aggressive towards you; Gemstone Dragons You can now access these end-game Slayer dragons via the combat teleport interface - dragons section. You'll need to be on a Slayer task of: Dragon-stone dragon (level 95 Slayer) Uncut dragon-stones These dragons each drop parts of the new tier 80 hybrid Gemstone armor that can be attuned to an effect that will trigger while Ranging with any bolts and can be charged with uncut gems corresponding to that effect.
Hitpoints Re-wrote a lot of code to be able to make further changes and is now flexible; Kal'gerion Demons Kal'gerion demons can be assigned as a Slayer task by Kuradal or Morvran, to players with at least level 90 Slayer, but this is not required to kill them normally.
They can be found in: Demonic Ruins (Wilderness) These demons have their own unique drops, consisting of: Kal'gerion demon commendation - used to unlock 5 titles (read about them here); Miscellaneous Fixed an issue with examine drop-tables not displaying all items as well as made our drop tools work with all of the newest RS3 items (the list would previously only support item ID's going up to 32'767 (JAVA short); NPC Aggressiveness NPC's will no longer switch between targets in multi-target areas (including instanced boss rooms) so one player on your team could potentially be the 'tank'; Pest Control Isle The map area has been updated with all NPC spawns to match RS3's update; Resource Dungeons Resource Dungeons have been slightly improved (code-wise); Skillcape Perks Finally huh? I've skipped the cape perks that provide to unexisting content. Attack cape - 2% chance that your degradable's won't degrade; |
09 Mar 2018 Client Update
I've updated the client so that it will now proceed to download the cache to 15% before allowing people to log-in. This makes a huge impact on people that are loading it up for the first time, removing the 'no maps' and 'black-screen' issues. For people that use the standalone (not-recommended) client, it is not mandatory to re-download it as there were no other changes. Cache update Changed the loading and login backgrounds; New Home The home move was moved to Lletya. Why Lletya? Because it's fancy. Also loads the map instantly for new players that are loading up the client for their first time;
Updated new player starter kits; Spirit Trees Fixed an issue that wasn't letting you open the destinations interface; Slayer Halved all Slayer master task kill counts (ie. Morvran from 130 - 260, to 65 - 130); Teleport Hub Replaced the Notes tab with a brand new custom Teleport hub, for easy teleporting around Velheim; |
11 Mar 2018 Airuts I've completely re-worked how Airut's were handled; Chaos Elemental Nerfed all of his Defensive bonuses; Daily Challenges Added Challenge Mistress Fara's full RuneScape's dialogue; Dungeoneering Fixed an issue where Hunter-typed NPC's wouldn't drop any items. You may now get your hides from killing them; Familiars (Summoning) Your Familiars will now be hidden throughout the whole home area (this does not include pets); Giant Mole Introducing the new easy boss available for you to kill - the Giant Mole! On-screen Timers This was one hell of a ride to do, was fun though as I've never done anything similar! For this update to happen I had to scrap all existing timers, all existing potion, freeze, snare, 'anti mechanics. The system is now super flexible and I may add effects to any in-game entity from anywhere in the servers structure!
Miscellaneous Fixed an issue that was spamming your chat-box with 'You cannot use protection prayers' when activating non-protective ones while being prayer-disabled; Teleports Added 3 new Mining destinations: Shilo Village, Karamja jungle and Brimhaven jungle; K'ril Tsutsaroth Now has a 1/8th chance of using his special attack and disabling your protection prayers for 5 game-ticks instead of whenever you were praying against him; Kalphite King Will now hit 15% of his total damage through your protection Prayers; Nex re-work Completely scrapped Nex's spawn/phase transitions and how they were handled/hard-coded world tiles and re-worked them; Pest Control Fixed incorrect Void Knight Deflector item in rewards shop (all existing bought items will be refunded by me, just message me when you want me to); Prayer Ashes Corrected scattering experience data; Prifddinas Fixed an error that was preventing Prifddinas worker pick-pocketing to not yield the last item on reward table; Kill truthful, blissful and manifest shadows for chances to get - Revenants Revenant drop-rates will now heavily depend on their combat levels instead of all being the same; Runespan The bone ladder to/from level 3 platform may now be used to go up and down respectively; Hunter Re-worked a lot of Hunter parts to be able to support bait, and trap smoking in the future;
Saint Patricks Day promotion You'll receive 5 Squeal of Fortune spins and 5 Books of Knowledge (vote book) IF you purchase the Going Green or Herbivore perks starting March 16th to March 18th |
29 Oct 2020 - Halloween Event The Count Draynor Cosmetic override's can no longer be purchased via Velheim coins; Every so often, while skilling, you'll be finding 'Candy Corn' which will be placed into your Currency pouches automatically; Candy Corn can be spent at the Grim Reaper NPC at 'home' to purchase various cosmetic overrides & pets (the old event items are now cosmetic overrides to save container slots); Every hour a Giant Skeleton will spawn near one of the major city lodestones with a world message saying so. Players must find him and slay him before he disappears (30 minute timer) to earn rewards exclusive to this event (everyone who deals at least some damage will be rewarded); Replaced the Death that's in the Death's Office (duh) with Frank, as he'll be substituting Death himself while he's away exchanging rewards; Upon logging in during the Event all players will automatically unlock all Halloween event themed Emotes and Music tracks; Read more about the Event at
- Combat & Related Interrupting your combat action will now check for both hands when re-initiating the fight (ie. your off-hand will now hit when re-clicked on target if not on delay); While inside the white Clan War's portal (FFA) you will no longer drop items on death; Fragment bolts & arrows will now deal slightly more damage against the Order of Ascension NPC's; Increased ALL previously hit-capped NPC's damage cap to 1'500 (1.5k);
- Runecrafting Completely scrapped everything Runecrafting wise and coded it from scratch since it was such a huge mess previously (wasn't my work). You might not see a lot of difference but server and performance wise it'll be a huge impact (in a good way); Binding essence into runes will now automatically use all essence from all your carried Runecrafting pouches (if any in inventory) as well as all essence from your Abyssal familiars in a single click; Mysterious ruins (Altar entrances (if any)) will now accept ALL the omni items, talisman staves, tiaras or regular talisman versions in order to enter the altars; All portals, ruins, EXP rewards, level requirements, rune multipliers - should now be 100% function-able and correct (if not - let me know (late night coding..)); Also took the liberty of adding all combination rune crafting - they can be made the same way as you would on RS (info here: Combination Runes); Added the 'Magic Imbue' lunar spell which gives you an effect for 15 seconds that removes the requirement of needing to have talismans on you to create Combination runes; - Miscellaneous You can now renew your familiar's timers with new pouches without time restrictions; Added a few missing Music tracks for instanced boss-rooms; You will no longer get kicked out of your instances if the time expires, instead, NPC's will simply stop spawning (with a message saying so (however you will not be able to re-enter your expired instance if you've left)); Re-placed the Dummy Dispenser's in War's Retreat area to actual Max Hit dummies; Added the Custom Fur Clothing shop to Fancy Dress Shop owner in Varrock; Heavily increased the amount of Summoning blank Pouches and Spirit Shards all shops contain; Warbands will now track actual Computers address rather than IP address for max collected resources; Increased the Well of Good Will (double EXP) from 25m to 30m, reason being that it's always on and only a few select people keep filling it. The Well's ALWAYS active right now. It's supposed to be a community thing for more people to 'chip-in', and I'll keep increasing the required amount slowly through updates to find the sweet spot for it; - Fixes Making Bobblehead Barrow's pets will now correctly add them to your Collection logs; The Mining Daily challenge will now only progress when an actual 'ore' has been given instead of on each swing; Selecting the 'Confirm' option without having a high-lighted skill will no longer delete the EXP lamp (same goes for Bonus EXP stars); Used Elite Robin Hood items can now be repaired; Added the missing Treasure Trail General clue rewards that can be seen in the Collection Logs to the actual Treasure Trail rewards tables; Holy Biscuits can now be consumed and will heal 3 hitpoints and 10 prayer points per; Dungeoneering Skill doors can now be opened if you have the virtual level for it; Al'Kharid palace door entrance will now animate when walking through instead of just teleporting the player forth and back; Moved the 'Beckon in the Digsite, near the eastern winch' clue step to the actual 'most-eastern winch'; Fixed an issue that caused user addresses to not be read correctly; Correct Lletya's Archery Store item quantities; Ramokee hands and Potion hat can now be unequipped directly from the Equipment tab; Corrected prestiging point amount (from 29 to 28 (1 for each skill)); Clocktower, Gu'Tanoth and Lighthouse teleport scrolls are now function-able; Weapons/Ammunition can no longer be poisoned (dipping item in a vial of poison (Jagex removed this functionality ages ago)); Miss-clicking/closing the rewards dialogue after finishing the Fight Kiln will now re-start the rewards scene when trying to move; Used Seismic's are no longer trade-able; Fixed a couple issues with resting; The Sapphire Donor title will now get removed when the player's trial rank expires. |
31 May 2022 Bank
14 Jun 2023 Started on Elder God Wars dungeon - City of Senntisten
At least 100 active subscribers;
A beautiful sugar-daddy voice;
Be able to work with meme enthusiasts on a daily basis.