Dragon.MU S19 Part 2

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Version X9999 Season 19
Typ Grand Resets Long Term 9999x Balanced Pvp
Ort France
Letztes Update22 Jun 2024
Beitrittsdatum17 Jan 2023


Dragon.MU S19 Part 2

Mu Online X9999 Season 19 Part 2-1


Server x9999 will be opened 10.March!. GET FREE OAK CHARM AND HAWK FIGURINE VIP
The server is based on high experience rate, hunting crafting and levelling with the latest Season 19 Part 2-1 features as well a lot of useful customs that make the game easier and more enjoyable.

UTC +2 : 15.00 - Poland
UTC +8 : 22.00 - Philipines
UTC +7 : 21.00 - Vietnam
UTC -3  : 11.00 - Argentina

Version : Season 19 Part 2-1
 Regular x9999, Master x9999, Majestic x9999

Reset ingame 400lvl stats stays, 1,000 Points per Reset. Max Stats 62k:

- Receive WCoins and GP every Reset :
- < 99  Reset = 10 WCoins, 1000 Ruud and 10 GP
- 100+ Reset = 20 WCoins, 2000 Ruud and 20 GP
- 200+ Reset = 30 WCoins, 3000 Ruud and 30 GP
- 300+ Reset = 40 WCoins, 4000 Ruud and 40 GP
- 400+ Reset = 50 WCoins, 5000 Ruud and 50 GP

Grand Reset: 500 Resets, 10,000 Wcoins + 250,000 Ruud, Resets burns, stats stays! In website!
Spots: All maps, press Tab to check spot!
PvP Servers with NoNPvP maps: Arena, Tarkan, Karutan, Deep Dungeon1, Blaze Kethotum
Points per level: Regular, Master points per level: 2
/startergift: 3rd Evo + Free Buffs + Panda Pet + Panda Ring + 5x Bless of Light
Custom Options, Events, Invasions, Game commands!

Reset Reward can be claimed ingame when reached:

- 001 Reset = /reset1 : Horn of Fenrir (RED)
- 100 Reset = /reset100 : Jewel of Kundun (x10)
- 200 Reset = /reset200 : Jewel of Kondar (x10)
- 300 Reset = /reset300 : Conqueror's Badge (x1)
- 400 Reset = /reset400 : 4th Wing Relic (x10)
- 500 Reset = /reset500 : Ghost Horse +15
- 600 Reset = /reset600 : Ice Dragon +15
- 700 Reset = /reset700 : Pierce Lion +15
- 800 Reset = /reset800 : Shining Tail +15
- 900 Reset = /reset900 : Ur Bear +15
- 1,000 Reset = /reset1000 : Wing of Power
- 2,000 Reset = /reset2000 : Uriel's Feather (x250)
- 3,000 Reset = /reset3000 : Uriel's Feather (x250)
- 4,000 Reset = /reset4000 : Uriel's Feather (x250)
- 5,000 Reset = /reset5000 : 5th Wing Relic (x50)
- 6,000 Reset = /reset6000 : Binding Earrings
- 7,000 Reset = /reset7000 : Jasper Necklace
- 8,000 Reset = /reset8000 : Lagoon Necklace
- 9,000 Reset = /reset9000 : Golden Fenrir
- 10,000 Reset = /reset10000 : Ice Dragon (Rare) 
- 11,000 Reset = /reset11000 : Pierce Lion (Rare) 💥
- 12,000 Reset = /reset12000 : Shining Tail (Rare) 💥
- 13,000 Reset = /reset13000 : Ur Bear (Rare) 💥
- 14,000 Reset = /reset14000 : Demon (VIP) 💥
- 15,000 Reset = /reset15000 : Guardian (VIP) 💥
- 16,000 Reset = /reset16000 : Ring of GM (VIP) 💥
- 17,000 Reset = /reset17000 : Blessed Ring (VIP) 💥
- 18,000 Reset = /reset18000 : Golden Charm (VIP) 💥
- 19,000 Reset = /reset19000 : Goat Figurine (VIP) 💥
- 20,000 Reset = /reset20000 : Worn Horseshoe (VIP) 💥

Jewels Rate:
Soul rate : with + Luck 100%, without 75%
Life rate: 70%

Perfect PvP and PvP balance you never seen before!

PvE: Balanced monsters, all Character Dmg are equal. Can solo PvE top maps. Maximum Dmg up to 100mil+!
PvP: Balanced on max Level with decent gear! Max HP over 100mil+, Maximum Dmg up to 10mil!

Useful commands:

Free Buffs = /startergift
Quest Evolve command = /evo
Open Shop anywhere = /npc
Open Warehouse anywhere = /store
Clear Inventory = /clearbag
Clear Event Inventory = /cleareventinv    
Offlevel = /offlevel  Offtrade = /offtrade
Anti-lag System commands= /antilag
Bosses and Events Timer = /eventinfo
Register Ice Wind Castle = /regicewind

Season 19 Part 2-1:
[NEW] Dark Lord Renewal 💥
[NEW] New Dark Lord skills 💥
[NEW] Combat Power for Dark Lord 💥
[NEW] Changes in existing items for the class 💥
[NEW] Changes to existing Dark Lord Pets: Dark Spirit and Dark Horse 💥
[NEW] New Pets: Divine Horse, Divine Spirits - Ice, Fire, Holy 💥
[NEW] Hunt Points gain every 10 mobs (was 20) 💥
[NEW] BC,DS,CC Events now rewarded WCoins 💥
[NEW] Castle Siege changed to Saturday 💥

Season 19 Part 1-3:
[NEW] 5th Class & Quest for all characters💥
[NEW] Ability Core AKA 5th Tree💥
[NEW] Ability Cards: DMG, Skill, Option, Elite💥
[NEW] Extra damage type for characters: Nuke, Bolt, AoE💥
[NEW] New attributes in character extended statistics window💥
[NEW] Extra damage for monsters💥
[NEW] 5th Wings and Wing Core💥
[NEW] Fusion Skills for all characters, combined effects of different skills with renewed visual effects💥
[NEW] Giants: three types of improving moving speed robots💥
[NEW] New mixes of the wings and cards💥

Season 19 Part 1-2:
[NEW] Grow Lancer Renewal 💥
[NEW] New Mastery Items (9th): Apocalypse weapons 💥
[NEW] New Mastery Items (10th): Lightning Mastery sets 💥
[NEW] Increases maximum mastery level to 1200 (1600 total) 💥
[NEW] New Map & Monsters: Tormenta Island 💥
[NEW] New Excellent option for shields
[NEW] New Mastery Item Mixes

Server is located in Europe