
Server IP
Discord Discord
Version 1.21 1.20.x
Typ AntiGrief Auction Bosses Custom Enchants DonatorRanks Friendly Land Claim McMMO Tpa rtp
Ort Estonia
Letztes Update22 Aug 2024
Beitrittsdatum14 Aug 2024


Welcome to European Legendary SMP, Season 1 ! 

Our IP is and port 25565. Bedrock players may need to use port 19132.

Our discord server :


Who we are and what we offer?

* We have a survival-mode server with many interesting and fun plugins. 

* We also do a contests and events from time-to-time!

* We have paid and quality host, so we're online 24/7 every day!

* We update plugins from time-to-time to newer versions.

* Cross - platform enabled, so both, Java and Bedrock can join. Always also newest versions supported.

* People from all around the world is welcome!

* After joining, head to Tutorial room near spawn, where you can learn basic functions and commands about gameplay! Tutorial room directions is available for everyone at the spawn!


What plugins, add-ons and activities we have? 

- Shop (can purchase in-game ranks and other useful perks)

- Voting (vore for server and earn in-game money and rewarda)

- McMMO (many different fun skills)

- SimpleTPA (teleport to other players and also players to you)

- SetHome (set your own and private homeplace, where to you can teleport with only one command!)

- ClaimBlocks (claim your home-area or whatever other area you like and prevent destroying, stealing, griefing)

- RandomTeleport (teleport to random place overworld with one command!) 

- CustomEnchants (many different useful and just fun enchants)

- ChatGames (different ChatGames, to keep people more active and also earn rewards)

- EvenMoreFish = EMF (funny different fishing contests, custom fishes and rewards

- MoreBosses (different boss-monsters in overworld)

- SimplePets (you can have your own pet)

- Discord support. Talk to others and see announcements, updates, events etc all in Discord.

- Gang system coming soon!

- Crate system coming soon!

- Auction feature coming soon!

- More, new and interesting plugins / add-ons coming from time to time!

So there's activities and interests to everyone!


Even we have lot if plugins, we also have some rules, to make gameplay smooth and funny - interesting to everyone.

* Not allowed = 

- no-reason killing. Killing other player is allowed only if both agree!

- disrespect towards other players or any staff members.

- any kind cheats, X-rays etc. is not allowed and will be banned!

- any kind of harrasment.

- in public chat, let's speak only English. Chat between players privately, every language is allowed.

- causing lag is not allowed!

- abusing any bugs is not allowed!

- begging for items / money is not allowed;

- advertising other servers;


* Allowed activities = 

- kill / 1vs1 with others, if both agreed;

- build your base and claim blocks everywhere out of base;

- only English in public chat

- farms are allowed, if they not cause lag;

You are welcomed and we wish to see you enjoying and gaming in our server !