Bharat MC

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Status Unknown
Letzter PingMonitoring disabled
Version Latest All Any
Typ 247 lifesteal Bed Wars Skywars Parkour Balanced Economy Challenge Coins
Ort India
Letztes Update18 Mar 2024
Beitrittsdatum22 Jan 2024


BharatMC is an Indian-based Minecraft server dedicated to delivering a seamless gaming experience with low-latency gameplay (ping range: 30-70) for players throughout Asia. Under the ownership of the renowned YouTuber Roiz Gaming, boasting an impressive subscriber count of over 27k+, the server offers an immersive gaming environment featuring diverse game modes and inclusive features.
Key Features:
- Game Modes: Explore a plethora of game modes, including Bedwars, Skywars, Parkour, Lifesteal, PvP, PVE, Factions, KitPvP, and Survival Games.
Ranks and Perks:
- Free Perks: Newcomers receive generous free perks upon joining the server.
- Custom Economy Token: Engage in a unique in-game economy with custom tokens.
- Automatic Store: A fully in-game automatic store ensures secure transactions and convenience.
- Collectibles: Receive collectibles, reminiscent of the Hypixel server, for free, promoting a balanced and equal playing field.
- Ranks: Unlock exclusive perks and privileges with various ranks, enhancing your gameplay experience.