
Server IP
Discord Discord
Version 1.12.2 1.20.x 1.14.x
Typ Custom MiniGames Minigames Kit PvP Spleef Parkour Village Defense
Ort United States
Letztes Update01 Aug 2024
Beitrittsdatum29 May 2023


Welcome to SlimeGames!

Play minigames, grind mobs and players to gain Slimes and Levels and prestige! Buy keys to earn more and find unique boosts. We have variety of minigames!


We currently have:


SlimePvP (Custom kits) (CTP)

Kit-PvP (normal) 

Slime Spleef (FFA)

Village Defense

ParkourMania (advanced)

Tower Defense

Creeper Punch: knock creepers out of the arena (more kills the faster they run) fill Creeper meter to get more rewards. Avoid Creeper air drops from making you fall!

More games soon


Play minigames, Grind mobs and earn different Slimes from different mobs. Upgrade your potion effect to progress and grind harder mobs and buy different powerups and grind your way up and get stronger weapons and buy bosses! Enter different Arenas.

Prestige System!
Grind for slimes and levels from playing games once you have the requirements you can prestige and earn things from the shop!


Purchase boosts with slimes to increase rewards and rank up faster!

Prestige as much as you can to unlock more boosters, kits, rewards and more!