The Oasis SMP

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Version Latest
Typ Pve Survival Multiplayer Survival SMP PvE Economy
Ort United States
Letztes Update02 Sep 2024
Beitrittsdatum25 Oct 2022


Searching for a new server to call home?
We welcome you to The Oasis SMP!
While playable, the server is currently in an alpha stage. With the addition of Items Adder, menus are being updated, rewards being configured, and the economy being tweaked. With that said, there will not be any resets from now until an official opening!
Additionally, we do have some things to offer at the moment, such as:
- Aura Skills (much like McMMO, but better)
- easy to understand economy and income
- chest shops, player warps and an Auction House
- a comprehensive /guide menu
- Custom fish, daily fishing tournaments, Envoy events, and more to come
- Grief Prevention for all of your land claiming needs
- Earn-able Perks & Permissions that don't require ranking up! (WiP)