Kantay Network

Server IP
Webseite kantay.cc
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Letzter PingMonitoring disabled
Version Latest
Typ Survival Towny Vanilla Survival Voting Spigot Bukkit Cars
Ort United Kingdom
Letztes Update15 Jun 2022
Beitrittsdatum15 Jun 2022


Welcome to Kantay Network! We currently offer one gamemode, which is Survival. Please read below for more information.

Kantay Survival:
Running on the most up to date version of Minecraft Java edition 1.19, we are trying to strive to become the best and most fun Survival server to ever exist. 

Vanilla Servers:
Since we are trying to strive to become the best and most played Survival server we have decided to go with the vanilla side of survival making it the most fun experience possible but we still decided to add player shops but with a expensive price to make you grind for your loot.

Server IP: kantay.cc
Discord: https://dsc.gg/kantay
Website: https://www.kantay.cc/
Store: https://store.kantay.cc/