
Server IP
Webseite squeejcraft.buycraft.net
Discord Discord
Status Online
Letzter Ping26 minutes 4 seconds ago
Version Latest newest
Typ Safe Survival Claims pve pvp Semivanilla performance
Ort United States
Letztes Update03 Mar 2025
Beitrittsdatum02 Sep 2019


Short Description:
SqueejCraft is a hard difficulty, semi-vanilla SMP server with a strong focus on server performance & gameplay quality. Featuring land claims, home points, chest shops and more

Long description:
We're a single server network with a strong focus on server quality and performance without having to nerf vanilla mechanics. SqueejCraft has perfected the art of running a server optimally using some of the best software & hardware available, so you can truly build anything that your heart desires without the fear of lag prevention measures ruining your projects. We are a semi-vanilla Survival server set to hard difficulty, and build freedom is only half of the fun. You will also find vanilla mob spawn mechanics, vanilla villager behavior, epic simulation & view distances, buffs to mob tracking ranges, mob farms that actually work, the list goes on. We've got everything you could ever want in a semi-vanilla server from set homes to land claims, mineable spawners, chest shops, a server market, and much more. Come see for yourself using the IP squeejcraft.com

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Java IP: squeejcraft.com

Bedrock IP:
Bedrock port: 25565

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