TunedChaos Minecraft

قم بالتصويت لـ خادم

Connect to skip Captcha puzzle!

عنوانIPالخاص بالخادم
الموقع الالكتروني mc.tunedchaos.net
Discord Discord
الحالة Unknown
التنبيه الأخيرMonitoring disabled
الإصدار 1.19.2
النوع Java Vanilla Survival Wipe
الموقع الجغرفي United States
أحرز هدفا0
التحديث الأخير03 Nov 2022
تاريخ الانضمام28 Oct 2022


We are so excited to have you, this is a very unique Minecraft experience in that nothing lasts!

  1. Daily
    • Wiped every day at 6:00 AM Central Time
  2. Weekly
    • Wiped every Sunday at 6:00 AM Central Time
  3. Monthly
    • Wiped on the 1st of every month at 6:00 AM Central Time
    • Yes that means some months are shorter before the wipe!
  4. Annual
    • Wiped at 6:00 AM Central Time on January 1st every year.
    • Yep, leap years you get an extra day!
  5. Permanent
    • Only wiped if there is an update to Minecraft.

Server plugins will be updated as frequently as updates are released and found.