Pick s SASRP

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الموقع الالكتروني sites.google.com
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الحالة Unknown
التنبيه الأخيرMonitoring disabled
النوع Cad Doj Vmenu Serious Rp Roleplay Cops Eup Fun Police RP
الموقع الجغرفي United States
أحرز هدفا0
التحديث الأخير06 Oct 2022
تاريخ الانضمام25 Sep 2022


Our Friendly, Supportive Community Welcomes Anybody that Joins and wants to have a fun time Roleplaying.  If the Following Interests You, Consider Joining. We Aspire to be Like 2018 Prime DOJRP But Without Pedophiles and 

Our Server Features the Following:

- Economy Systems with Jobs, Robberies, Banks

- Open Interiors (Opens 60+ Interiors)

- Multiple Unique LEO Departments

- CAD System and Character Creation

- EUP for Police and Civs

- Active Admins and Devs Working on the Server Anytime they Can

- 2018 DOJ Cop Cars + More

- DOJRP vehicles with each EUP department to go with them

- Radar and ALPR system

- Custom Weapons, Maps, Scripts, ETC

- Server-Sided Cop Radio (No Teamspeak Needed)

- DOJRP vehicles with each EUP department to go with them

- Radar and ALPR system

- Custom Weapons, Maps, Scripts, ETC

- Server-Sided Cop Radio (No Teamspeak Needed)

- Light Economy System

We Are Currently Looking for Civs, Cops, EMS and Dispatchers

If you're not interested, we Appreciate your Time. If Interested, Welcome to Pick's!