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Статус Online
Последний Ping27 minutes 34 seconds ago
Версия 1.20.x
Тип Adventure Balanced Economy Cross Platform Pve Survival Farming
Расположение United States
Последнее обновление11 Aug 2023
Дата регистрации11 Aug 2023


Welcome to Narrowband!

We are a small network that was started in 2019. After being closed for almost a year, we are re-releasing the server to the public! 

This current iteration of Narrowband consists solely of our most popular game-mode. Our Survival economy server blends a rank-up system with different farming aspects of vanilla Minecraft. Allowing you to achieve in-game rewards the higher you rank-up! 

We are also excited to announce new features such as free emojis to all of our players, custom guis, upgradable hoppers, brand new shop system and many other exciting features that will be announced in the near future! 

So if you're familiar with the Narrowband network, or you are a new player to our community, Come join and check out what we have to offer! 

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