BorneoCraft Server

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Discord Discord
Estatus Unknown
Ultimo PingMonitoring disabled
Versión 1.18.2
Tipo Survival BungeeCord Backpacks Bedrock Paper PvE Pve Survival
Ubicación Malaysia
Ultima Actualización30 Mar 2022
Fecha de Ingreso25 Mar 2021


BorneoCraft community aim to create a friendly environment for everyone especially Malaysia. The server was created for owner's younger siblings at first and he saw the potential growth of the server , so he made it public. The server itself is actually under development and still growing at a slow pace. The server currently have only 2 game mode available which is BorneoCraft(Survival- main server) and HardcoreDay (RPG kinda of server but more toward testing your skills in survival) . There are a lot of exciting experience that you may not get in other server but only in BorneoCraft. So, what are you waiting for? come and JOIN us!

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