Servere de Wow All GM Server

Listam cele mai bune servere private World of Warcraft cu versiunea GM Server. Adauga gratuit serverul tau Wow sau fa-ti reclama.


GM Server Cele Mai Bune Servere Private WoW


Unlimited WoW 255

Wow private servere Unlimited WoW 255
3.3.5a Wrath of The Lich King Max Level 255 Fun Realm Battlegrounds Events

WoW-Mania - Blizlike

WoW-Mania - Blizlike
3.3.5a Wrath of The Lich King Blizzlike Raids Battlegrounds Arenas

SoloCraft PlayerBots

SoloCraft PlayerBots
1.12 1.12.1 BattleBots PlayerBots Professional Staff Blizzlike


5.4.8 PVP BG Rating Blizzlike Battlegrounds