Utopia MU

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Versiune Season 18 Ep.1 Part 3
Tip Joc 5000x Play to Win Long Term No WebShop No Pentragram Shop
Ultima Actualizare19 Feb 2023
Data inregistrarii16 Feb 2023


Utopia MU

Server INFO:
Version: Season 18 Part 1-3
Normal Experience: 5000x
Master Experience 5000x
Majestic Experience 5000x
Points per Level: 6/7
Points per Master Level: 2/2
Maximum level: 1500
Maximum stats: 32000

Level 400 with command in-game "/reset" | All Stats stay
Reward: 10 Webz (Wcoins) + 500 Gobz (Goblin coins) + 1000 Ruud
Grand Reset: 100 Resets, Stats remain, Reward 1000 Webz
Farm Webz/Ruud/Gobz in Invasions/Events, Resets and Grand Resets!
Farm jewels by collecting jewel drops in monster spots, Box of Heaven and various events/invasions
Bosses: Medusa, Selupan, Kundun, Lord Silvester, God of Darkness, Lord of Ferea, Core Magriffy and more
Goblin Upgrade Rates: Normal, Enhanced and Pentagrams
+10 / 65%
+11 / 60%
+12 / 55%
+13 / 50%
+14 / 45%
+15 / 45%
Luck adds +25%
Season 18, Episode 1, Part 3
Brilliant (8th) Mastery Weapons and Shields
Apocalypse (9th) Mastery items
Crismon Apocalypse Sets
Third Cloak (Cloak of Death) for Illusion Knight
Fourth Cloak (Cloak of ******) for Illusion Knight
Mastery Weapons for Illusion Knight
Mastery Items for Illusion Knight
Illusion Knight Apocalypse Set and Brilliant Blade
Ignis Volcano Map
Ignis Volcano Regular and Elite Monsters
Illusion Night Jacquard Muun
Artifacts System
Artifacts Chaos Mix
Boss Battle Event
Renewed Imperial Guardian Event
Imperial Guardian Event dedicated MuHelper
Max Master level extended to 1100