Yoffdan SMP

IP Server
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Ultima VerificareMonitoring disabled
Versiune 1.20.2
Tip Joc Multiplayer Survival Anarchy SMP smp
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare24 Nov 2023
Data inregistrarii24 Nov 2023


Yoffdan SMP!

The Yoffdan SMP stands out as an exceptional choice for Minecraft enthusiasts seeking an engaging a survival multiplayer experience.

We aim to provide users with a peaceful gaming experience and we try to steer away from the standards and norms set by bigger servers with hubs and a chaotic environment because we too are tired of it.

Join and play multiplayer vanilla Minecraft. No setup required, no BS.

🌟 Thriving Community

Join a community that thrives on fellowship and support. From seasoned veterans to fresh-faced newcomers, everyone is welcome.

Stay connected with fellow players through our active discord server.

🀝 Semi-Anarchy Gameplay

Experience the excitement of semi-anarchy gameplay, where the line between chaos and order is delicately balanced.

Forge your own path, establish alliances, or venture solo – the choice is yours. Embrace the unpredictability of a world where player interactions shape the course of the game.

🌌 Custom Features:

Discover unique and custom features that set Yoffdan SMP apart. Our server contains custom items that you can craft, (recipes on our discord server) These custom items set the Yoffdan SMP apart from many other generic Minecraft servers.

With these custom features we've curated an experience that adds depth and excitement to your Minecraft adventures.

🌐 Fortified Network, Strong Server, Lag-Free Adventures:

Experience the strength of our fortified network infrastructure, ensuring your adventures on Yoffdan SMP are not only powerful but also seamlessly lag-free. Our server is equipped with 16 GB of ram, and a powerful CPU allowing up to 300 users at the same time.

πŸ› οΈ Balanced Gameplay:

Enjoy a balanced gameplay experience where fairness and fun take center stage. Our dedicated team of admins work tirelessly to ensure a level playing field for all, fostering an environment where skill and strategy prevail, preventing hacking and unfair gameplay.

πŸŽ‰ Dynamic Events

Immerse yourself in regular events that add a layer of excitement to the Yoffdan SMP experience. Whether it's epic battles, treasure hunts, or building competitions, our events bring the community together for unforgettable moments.ο»Ώ

Link to discord: https://discord.gg/vVCzEFMZnG