The Nuke Network

IP Server
Status Unknown
Ultima VerificareMonitoring disabled
Versiune All Any
Tip Joc ChestShop Free Ranks Towny Balanced Economy Kits Crazy Enchants Jobs Land Claim Bedrock Crossplay
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare29 Oct 2022
Data inregistrarii10 Oct 2022




Bedrock IP: Port: 25565

The Nuke Network is a brand new server hoping to offer unique twists on classic gameplay. Although, the additions to the vanilla game are optional, they do add a fun component to the server.

We plan on expanding to have a minimum of four servers on a hub, but currently we just have our one server open. This server is called Repopulation. This server focuses on kingdoms, economy, and community, minus the destruction of your hard work. Build as big as you can, and find the best tools to help you along the way.


100 years ago, a natural disaster turned the world upside down leaving behind a scattered population of a few steves scattered across the land. However, in the past 20 years, the world has began to calm down, allowing a new generation of people, to emerge from caves, onto what seems like an untouched world. But this world is far from untouched. While exploring you might come across things like, cities covered by the growing landscape, ancient tombs buried under the sand, and the abandoned caves, homes, farms, structures, all with pieces of the story hidden within them. And the best part is, if you are the first to come across one of these relics from the old world, you are free to claim them for yourselves, and build your empire on top of old ones. As our cities and world advances, so will spawn, and factories will begin to emerge, and life will grow again.


Extra Info:

These abandoned buildings will be periodically built, so all players will have a fair shot at finding them. The Lore in the server, although fun, is not required to compete with other players, or rank up. It is just an additional bonus to make life easier for those that want it. It has warps, chestshops, kits, op enchants (available to all players through ranking up), jobs, McMMO, towny, a resource world, land claims, no reset on main world and more. Come join the server and help us grow to more servers with a twist.