
IP Server
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Ultima VerificareMonitoring disabled
Versiune 1.8.8 1.18.x
Tip Joc Arena Pvp Auction Backpacks Balanced Economy ChestShop Discord Drug DonatorRanks Community Op prison
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare30 Nov 2023
Data inregistrarii05 May 2021


GlowCraft is brought to you by GlowCraft. We’re a group that creates different type of servers. For a start, we’ve created a Op Prison Server to welcome all of those players who are interested to advance through the ranks. We’ve multiple ranks for all of our players to rank to and different benefits that come with it.

At the moment, we do not have any players, however we’re hoping to get players to join and stay in our server. With the help of the community, we’ll be able to bring all of our players a better gaming experience.

A prison server is where players are given a starting rank. With the default rank, they are limited to some warps where they can mine to earn money. With their earnings, they would pay the price of ranking up. In GlowCraft, we would also have multiple events like Mine Parties. This is to encourage players to join and also strengthen the bond between the community. The economy in GlowCraft is controlled and managed. Thus, the chances of inflation is highly impossible