The Archon

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Versiune 1.16 Latest 1.18 1.19
Tip Joc Factions Custom Factions MCMMO Custom Enchants Skyblock Popular Survival pvp
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare25 Jul 2022
Data inregistrarii10 Jul 2018


The Archon


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This server is very unique because it has a lot of game modes like if it has skyblock it has 3 options to choose and i think the prison and skyblock origin is the best i like them a lot i think they give a lot of there time in the server I will appreciate them for the wor they do then they do a big payout and t makes more people attract to it s its the main thing but I think the server would improve if it would be less p2w like prisons has 150 dollar for the top rank if they would fix that it would be the best server for people to play on and if they are doing payouts so they need to make it expensive so u can make the payout less but making the rank cheaper would be very good also now the guide of servers 
1. Skyblock it is a very good because it has multiple realms and the multiple realms has multiple choices like skyblock ice type one block normal etc
2. Factions I think having factions is the greatest things it attracts a lot of people because it is a competitive game mode then it has also a lot of choices factions onyx ruby and amber then 
3. Robbery it is a game mode which very less people have because its not that recognized yet so also I don't know much about it so yah4.prisons my favorite it is a game mode in which u mine and your plot has stuff then u get people it is also competitive.

Personally i would reccomend the archon becuase of its many enjoyable realms it has something for everybody for example the yhave factions where you can compete on the 3 different factions relams which are onyx, amber and ruby each of these realms have different rules to make factions as enjoyable as possible for anybody who decides they want to play. In factions you can compete for ftop for large payouts of paypal and buycraft meaning it can get very competitive. Factions also lasts 2 weeks per map with a 7 day grace period at the start of each map allowing you gather resources and money to try push for ftop. 

For skyblock they also have 3 different realms called chaos,origins and genesis. skyblock is about trying to be the best island out of hundreds of players meaning it can get very grindy at times however if you like gridning skyblock might be the place for you each skyblock realm rotates around 1month per with payouts every week giving you 4 weeks to try get up to the is top positions each skyblock realm is fairly similar however they all rotate at different times so you may find one of the realms with have little players meaning it may be due a rotation. 

The archon also has prisons, outlands, and robbery. 


Outlands: outlands is like the rust of minecraft you can get alot of guns and vehicles and also raid bases personally i have never played outlands however i have seen many youtubers playing it and it looks like a lot of fun if youre into raiding bases and using guns in minecraft.

Prisons: the prisons on amber is vastly different to any other prisons server i have played with good payouts for being plot top and it isnt too difficult to get the hang of it and push your way up through the miens to prestige. prisons on the archon has candies which can give you special abilities in the mines and they also have pets which can earn you money while afk or can follow you around and give certaing buffs to use in the mines. There is also gangs in prisons each gang gives you different perks for leveling them up the max level for a gang is 20. 

Robbery: i have only ever played robbery once or twice however during my playtime i did find it rather enjoyable you can create hideouts/dens for your gang to hide in and you can also go out and rob other real players or stores to make your way up in the ranks and get more and more money the bigger the stores you rob.


In my opinion i would say the archon is a very good server and if you were looking for a server with a diverse realm selection i would say the archon is the place for you. 


The Archon, an incredibly fun server, hosted in the USA, has many different sub servers: Prisons, Robbery, Factions, Skyblock and Outlands. With no extra mods needed to be downloaded to play, Archon is probably the server for you. Even YouTubers play this server!! Playable on almost any version, even 1.16.5, you can play on exactly what version you want to. There are even Playing solo or with a team, you can even earn money off playing Archon. Each sub server has an individual amount of payouts ranging from payouts to buycraft vouchers to spend on the store. It's perfectly balanced so that people who do pay don't have too much of an advantage. There are even free ranks with YouTuber codes as well. With a dedicated team of mods and admins with constant updates that are always different, we can promise you that you will never get bored! No Matter what you like, The Archon has it covered.

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To join us, open up Minecraft and go onto multiplayer. Click add server and type in the server IP. Then hit join server and it's your time to play. Have Fun on the best server in the world!!!

It is an AWESOME server. Lots of youtubes go on there. DON'T LISTEN TO THE HATERS!!!


The Archon subservers: Prisons, Robbery, Factions, Skyblock and Outlands, no extra mods needed to be downloaded to play, Archon is probably the server for you. A dedicated team of mods and admins with constant updates, you will never get bored!