Be supportive! Suggest a better (English or Spanish) intro for 1 AROX NEW OFFICIAL SERVER PURE VANILLA

By submitting this form you agree to the storage of your email address (only private, no display, only for notifications regarding this form) and for the info provided to be displayed on this site together with your game user (only if filled).

What to write about?

We want more players to join this server so simply tell others what makes this server unique.
For example ff the server has multiple realms/worlds please write a short info for each, like a guide: Realm name, connection guide, about the rates, features mods plugins, support quality, development and updates, the community, pros and cons, compare to other servers, etc.


Your content must written in English or Spanish, minimum 200 words and unique (use your own words).
If you don't have a valid Paypal account we will transform the reward money in to a boost for this server.

We will reward your effort!

We will reward ONLY good intros with 3-20$ depending on the quality and the number of words (200 words = 3$).
You may submit more but for different listed servers. You are allowed to submit only one per server.