Savana MU

投票支持 服务器

Connect to skip Captcha puzzle!

Discord Discord
版本 Season 6
类型 99999x
位置 Germany
最近更新23 Jan 2023
加入日期23 Jan 2023


Base Information:

Server Version: Season 6 Ep 3
Drop: 80%
PPL: 5/7/7/7
Maximal Level: 400
Maximal Stats: 32767
Max Ip Connection: 2
CashShop: Disabled


In website: Game panel
In game: /reset or /reset auto
Stats: Stay
Skills: Stay
Items: Stay
Stay on Spot: ON
Auto Res Exp: 8500x
Maximal Reset: 10000

Grand Reset

Require: 50 resets
In website: Game Panel
Stats: Stay
Items: Stay
Skills: Stay


/reset auto -> Reset Same Place
/post -> Global message
/addstr -> Add Points to Strength
/addagi -> Add Points to Agility
/addene -> Add Points to Energy
/addvit -> Add Points to Vitality
/addcmd -> Add Points to Command
/marry [name] -> for marry with another charcater
/pkclear -> Clear murderer status
/reset - Reset your character from game. 400 level required.
/re auto -> Allow all requests from players.
/zen 9999999 -> Give's zen
/clearinv-> Clears character inventory
/evo -> Type 2 times to evolve class


- Are used to buy anything you desire from our WebShop
- Donations to keep server up
- Vote Reward
- WebShop


Rates success:
- Jewel Of Soul success: 100&
- Jewel Of Soul success + Luck: 100%
- Jewel Of Life success: 100%
- Item +10 success: 100%
- Item +11 success: 100%
- Item +12 success: 100%
- Item +13 success: 100%


Auto Party Request - /re auto
Auto Reset On Spot - /reset auto

Auto Attack /Attack
Soul Master - /attack 1 1 39
Dark Lord - /attack 1 1 61
Muse Elf - /attack 1 1 1 24
Blade Knight - /attack 1 1 41
Magic Gladiator - /attack 1 1 56