FTB Revelation 3.6.0

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عنوانIPالخاص بالخادم
الموقع الالكتروني instantvalleymc.enjin.com
Discord Discord
الحالة Unknown
التنبيه الأخيرMonitoring disabled
الإصدار 1.12.2
النوع Action Discord DonatorRanks Economy Feed The Beast Forge Friendly staff Grief Prevention Griefprevention Modded
الموقع الجغرفي United States
أحرز هدفا0
التحديث الأخير26 May 2022
تاريخ الانضمام30 Apr 2022


Welcome to Revelation 1.12.2 powered by Instant Valley MC! This Minecraft server is running the latest version of Revelation. All dimensions on the server are enabled and the mining world gets reset once a month so everyone can use the mining world to its full extent! We include Shops, random teleport and a very invested and active staff. All issues or problems which can occur to players will/shall be fixed as fast as possible, so no one will have to wait when ever something does somehow go wrong! We also have the newest plugins, anti-grief solutions and barely any items are banned! There are vote crates and rewards to try your luck on and see what cool loot you'll get! We are, and will always be, open to any suggestions!