
Sitio Web
Discord Discord
Versión 1.3.9
Tipo PVP PVE Free To Play High Rate Looking For GMs Max Lvl 150
Ubicación United States
Ultima Actualización21 Apr 2021
Fecha de Ingreso14 Oct 2020



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Discord Server


Server Information:

Revision: 1.3.9 (1.4.2 downgraded)
EXP Rates: x1000
SP Rates: x1000
Gold Drop: x1000
Item Drop: x1000



Welcome to Aurora Perfect World!

You will forge your own path to victory during the golden era of Perfect World. Playing game version 1.3.9 offers you a chance to play the original game back when you didn't have millions of extra daily tasks to perform. - The good ol'days! You'll lay your own path to victory as you race to level and gear up your characters, and create large guilds to take over the world! Join us on our journey in creating the best Perfect World server ever known. We strive for nothing less than the best on Aurora-Realms!