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Status Online
Último Ping37 minutes 22 seconds ago
Versão 1.19.2
Tipo Anarchy Survival Vanilla Semi Vanilla Semivanilla PVP PvP Survival Freebuild
Última Atualização13 Nov 2022
Data de Entrada18 Oct 2022


About Phobos

Phobos is an Almost Anarchy Server in Minecraft. You get the survival vanilla experience without hacking and very few plugins and rules. The map of this server will never be reset.


Special Features

⭐ - You can talk in chat from a discord channel if you link your account in-game with /discord link

⭐ - A voting plugin that gives you cosmetic rewards

⭐ - With /trade, you can exchange items with other players

⭐ - Players drop their skulls when they die



1️⃣ - No dupes (except for Rail, Carpet and TNT dupes) or exploits

2️⃣ - No hacks e.g., Xray, freecam, killaura, baritone (except for zooming, minimaps, personalization, or optimization mods)

3️⃣ - Making the server unplayable for some or all players or hurting the server performance is not allowed e.g., lag machines or book bans

4️⃣ - No bullying e.g., doxing, harassment

5️⃣ - Evading your punishments just makes them worse



Do /rewards to see rewards in-game


🥉 16 votes:    Player skull drop chance: 50%

🥈 32 votes:    Player skull drop chance: 75%

🥇 64 votes:    Player skull drop chance: 100%

🏆 128 votes:    voter rank(green name, your name higher in tab)




-light green name higher in tab

-In order to get this rank you need to vote 128 times on the Minecraft server



-reward for supporting me on Patreon

-orange name higher in tab

-no ads in chat

-player skull drop chance: 100%

-To get this rank you need to link your Patreon to your discord account and then link that to the Minecraft server

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