Quake MC

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Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.18.x
Type Balanced Economy PvP Survival Pve Survival Survival Economy Roleplay Achievements Skills Abilities
Location United Kingdom
Last Update17 Jul 2022
Join Date17 Jul 2022


QuakeMC is a cool minecraft server with a great community where you can create your own story. From creating a small village to a huge city there is endless possibilities of what you and the community can create as a collective or even individually

To allow us to continue to innovate this server we decided to make a webstore so we can get some funds to put back into growing our server and constantly improving it

As I am sure you are aware Quake MC is a free to play server and subsequently everything in the webstore is purely cosmetic.

Any donations you make are hugely appreciated and it will all be put back into making your experience much better, with new modes and features coming soon we do need a bit of funding to get these features developed and integrated

I hope you enjoy every minute of your experience on QuakeMC and thank you for joining and getting involved in the community, each and every one of you is appreciated!