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عنوانIPالخاص بالخادم
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Discord Discord
الحالة Unknown
التنبيه الأخيرMonitoring disabled
الإصدار Latest
النوع SMP Anarchy Land Claim pvp
الموقع الجغرفي United States
أحرز هدفا0
التحديث الأخير12 Jul 2022
تاريخ الانضمام10 Jul 2021


Port: 25567
SyntaxCraft has everything you'd ever want from a survival server! Whether you enjoy hardcore anarchy and PVP or maybe you like a nice economy based SMP, perhaps you wanna play it safe and claim everything you own? Well look no further SyntaxCraft has you covered!

Our SMP + Semi Anarchy world is FULL to the brim with great people and good vibes, we love PvP and most of all. making that sweet sweet money! If that sounds interesting to you just join up!

This is only the tip of the iceberg on what SyntaxCraft is offering! You really have to come and check it out for yourself I promise you will not be disappointed! We would absolutely love to see you on our server! We are adding new plugins all the time and building new things for players to enjoy everyday! Come check it out!