
Website dragonic-rsps.com
Discord Discord
Versão 718
Tipo Custom Custom Bosses Custom Content Custom Home Custom Items Custom Minigames Custom Interfaces
Localização United States
Última Atualização12 May 2024
Data de Entrada12 May 2024


Dragonica is a bespoke 718 server that aims to provide players with a uniquely customized gaming experience. We pride ourselves on offering an array of custom bosses and items, meticulously designed to enhance your journey through the game world. Our focus lies in crafting an environment where players can immerse themselves in a realm filled with exclusive challenges and treasures. From intricately designed battles against formidable foes to discovering one-of-a-kind artifacts, Dragonica promises an adventure like no other. Join us as we redefine the boundaries of gameplay and embark on an unforgettable quest together.