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Letzter Ping5 minutes 1 second ago
Version All 1.18.x 1.19.x 1.20.x
Typ Skyblock RPG Tycoon Gens Prison Balanced Economy Bedrock Custom Gamemodes Farming Youtubers
Ort United States
Letztes Update10 Sep 2023
Beitrittsdatum01 Jul 2023


Welcome to SunRealms, a vibrant Minecraft server network offering diverse and immersive game modes. Explore our interconnected realms, each catering to different playstyles. Survive the challenging landscapes, unleash your creativity in Creative mode, or conquer the skies in SunGenz. Join our inclusive community and embark on unforgettable adventures. Come and experience the limitless possibilities of Minecraft with SunRealms!

At SunRealms, we believe in the power of creativity and exploration. Our interconnected realms offer a variety of engaging game modes to suit your preferences. Dive into the Survival realm, where you'll navigate treacherous terrains, gather resources, and build thriving communities. Unleash your inner architect in our Creative realm, where unlimited resources and tools await to help you bring your wildest imaginations to life.

Join us at SunRealms and embark on an adventure like no other. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a curious newcomer, there's a realm waiting for you. Let your creativity soar, conquer new challenges, and make memories that will last a lifetime. See you in-game!

Online Spieler – Vergangene 24 Stunden

What is the server IP for Sunrealms?

The IP address of Sunrealms Minecraft server is

How to join Sunrealms server?

Open the game Minecraft, click "Play" button then choose "Multiplayer" option from the menu. Click "Add Server" tab and input the text on "Server Address" then hit "Done". Once the connection is available and turns green you may click on "Join Server" button to play on Sunrealms.

What version does Sunrealms use?

Sunrealms server supports Minecraft game version: All, 1.18.x, 1.19.x, 1.20.x, you may also use any other older or lower versions to connect and play.

Where is Sunrealms located?

The Sunrealms server is currently hosted in United States.