Radosrs Overloadx

Website radosrs.com
Version 317
Type Hybrid 50 Customs Cheap Donations Gambling Classic Need Staff Need Players Rares Chaotics Duel Arena
Last Update11 May 2024
Join Date13 Feb 2015


We have been around for quite a long time and are starting to rank up in players a good amount. Try us out one time - Download and play Overloadx . Download link: www.radosrs.com/ click the link and go to the download page

Why Choose Rad OSRS?

 Get Rich Quick: Explore thrilling bosses like Corp, Barrows, Mewtwo, Obelisk, Charmeleon, Time Wizard, King Kong, Infinite Dragon, Silver Beast, Halo Man, Weazel, Torture Wings, Fry Man, God Zilla, Exodia, Wow Lord, Cow Man,"in the wild we have High Voltage Champ ." Their bountiful drops include packages worth billions in tickets—the currency of our realm!  Current packages go in order, Monster packages, Item packages, Voucher packages, then the Voucher packages include all the items from the donator store, and might also include another package or two, or a Donator Point Ticket instead of other loots. Also you can get Donator Point Tickets from the online store, or get them from packages, which can be redeemed just by clicking the tickets in your inventory... you can obtain the +1 Donator Point Tickets from the packages that all the monsters drop in the game, even if you wanted to **** rock crabs instead of bosses to get packages and tickets you literally can.
 Take a Gamble: Feeling lucky? Try your hand at our gambling features and watch your fortunes soar.
 Automatic Donations: Support the server effortlessly by purchasing donator points and vouchers from our automatic donations store, obtain "Donator Point Tickets" in game from the automated claiming store by using the command "::claim" on the characters username that you typed in while using the donator store. All donations will be claimed in game, check how many you have by using a ticket in your inventory which will add it to your number of points you have in game. Check how many points you have in game by using the command ::donpoints, ::donpoint, ::dpoint, ::dpoints, ::donatorpoints.
 Visit Our Donation Page: Hop over to our donation page to contribute and keep Rad OSRS thriving!
Join us today and experience the magic of Rad OSRS. Adventure awaits!

COMMANDS that can be used by anyone in game:

::sell amount, ::exchange1b amount, ::exchange1q amount, ::gamble1b amount, ::gamble1q amount

Donator COMMANDS: these commands is Donator + Super +Extreme donator status's which can be obtained with donator points in game, or from the radosrs website store.

::task, This command resets the slayer task you are on